PMS Relief by DesBio
- SKU: 779-DB-213
Regular price
PMS Relief is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome, such as mood swings, irritability, anger, sadness, weeping, anxiety, acne, bowel congestion, head pain, and muscle pain before menses.
How it Works
Dosing: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.
- Agnus (6X)
- Cimicifuga (6X)
- Kali Carb (6X)
- Lycopodium (6X)
- Saccharum Off (6X)
- Thyroidinum (6X 12X 30X)
- Hypothalamus Suis (8X)
- Aristolochia Clematis (9X)
- Folliculinum (10X 12X 30X)
- Aur Sulph (12X)
- Cocculus (12X)
- Conium (12X)
- Cyclamen (12X)
- Elaps (12X)
- Lac Can (12X)
- Lachesis (12X)
- Mag Carb (12X)
- Pulsatilla (12X)
- Stannum Metallicum (12X)
- Candida Albicans (12X 30X)
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