Lipo-Complex by Progressive Labs
- SKU: 988
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How it Works
Digestive enzymes are complex proteins involved in digestion that stimulate chemical changes in other substances. They work optimally at specific temperature and pH. Digestive enzymes include pancreatic enzymes, plant-derived enzymes, and fungal-derived enzymes. There are three classes of digestive enzymes: proteolytic enzymes needed to digest protein, lipases needed to digest fat, and amylases needed to digest carbohydrates.
Pepsin is an enzyme that is produced in optimally functioning stomachs that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides. Pepsin is one of the main digestive enzymes, where it helps digest the proteins in food.
Bile acids, in the form of ox bile salts, aid in the emulsification and digestion of fats.
Defatted freeze dried liver is included to offer support for a healthy liver in support of digestion and fat utilization.
Beet greens are young, leafy tops of the beetroot plant. Beet greens contain more minerals, vitamins and antioxidants than the more recognized taproot (the beet). Although the greens can be gathered at any stage of plant growth, they are at their best while the plant is young, and its stems are soft and tender.
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