Japanese Knotweed by Supreme Nutrition

  • SKU: JK-SN-2019

Regular price $38.99

Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica, or You Ji Hu Zhang in Chinese) is native to eastern Asia. It is most famously known for containing high amounts of resveratrol (specifically trans-resveratrol, which is the highest absorbable form). Unlike an extract Japanese Knotweed also contains other beneficial components such as emodin, flavonoids (including rutin and quercetin), oleanolic acid, etc. In addition to resveratrol's health benefits (cardiovascular, cholesterol, anti inflammatory, anti arthritic, etc.) it also has been shown in studies to be a potent antimicrobial. Studies have shown it to act against drug resistant bacteria, influenza a, H1N1, EBV, Coxsakievirus virus, biofilms, etc. Many Lyme Literate Medical Doctors reccomend Japanese Knotweed for their patients.

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