Heart/Small Intestine Meridian Opener by DesBio
- SKU: 431-DB-828
Regular price
Heart / Small Intestine Meridian Opener is for the temporary relief of tremors, night sweats, abdominal soreness, sore bowels, flatulence, cannot bear sight or smell of food, nausea, belching.
How it Works
Dosing: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day or as directed by a health professional.Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.
- Arsenicum Album (30C)
- Aurum Metallicum (30C)
- Cactus Grandiflorus (30C)
- cinchona Officinalis (30C)
- Digitalis Purpurea (30C)
- Kali Carbonicum (30C)
- Lithium Carbonicum (30C)
- Lycopodium Clavatum (30C)
- Mercurious Solubilis (30C)
- Naja tripudians (30C)
- Nux Vomica (30C)
- Phosphorous (30C)
- Pulsatilla (30C)
- Pyrogenium (30C)
- Spigelia Anthelmia (30C)
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