ElectroGenic by Alimentum Labs (formerly Systemic Formulas)

  • SKU: AL315

Regular price $70.00

ElectroGenic, a blend of electrolytes and exogenous ketones, enhances optimal physical and mental performance. This combination of essential minerals and ketones balances electrolytes while promoting both cellular metabolism and ketosis.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Diana Smith
Amazing product (with a caveat)

I’ve never had a product give me such amazing results so quickly. My doctor gave me this to combat below in my lower intestines, which I have had for years. With this product after two weeks of use, I already see a tremendous reduction in the blow and I feel much better

My complaint with this product is the taste…. I have, in my health journey, have had to force down many foul tasting things…. However, by far this is the worst tasting supplement I have ever had in my life. I forced chug it down and gag for a good minute or two after drinking it. It’s got an awful orange fake sweet taste. That is intolerable.. I suck it up for the benefits, but maybe the company could revisit the taste