Deseret Biologicals

Integrative remedies that gracefully intertwine homeopathy, botanicals, and nutrition to address even the most complex health challenges.

Des Bio has been the leader in homeopathic remedies since 1993, breaking new ground even before the paradigm shift we’ve seen in our “new normal.” With such a unique approach to human physiology, they are truly a world apart in the alternative healthcare market.

Des Bio focuses on persistent health challenges, so every formulas reflects a recognition that every protocol begins in the same place: detoxification and drainage. Dr. Mullins constantly leverages these powerful drainage formulas in her protocols, especially when addressing Lymph Drainage. In her experience, nothing is quite as effective at homeopathic blends for opening the floodgates.

Intestinal Restore is one of her clinical go-tos. With a blend of serum antibodies and immunoglobulins combined with glutamine, this DW Pick is a complete game changer for digestion.

GIAR:10M by DesBio
Each 10M kit contains 10 vials of the 10M homeopathic dilutions of Giardia nosodes. The 10M kits are often taken...
Nerve Z by DesBio
Dosing: 1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician...
Celeragesic Gel by Des Bio
Soothing homeoapthic topical gel for the promotion of localized pain-relief and tissue recovery. Can be used for acute injury or...
HPYL:PLUS by Des Bio
Ingredients: Archangelica (6X) Geranium Mac (6X) Hydrastis (6X) Sinapis Nig (6X) Symphytum (6X) Ratanhia (6X 12X 30X) Aceticum Ac (9X)...
Matrix Support by DesBio
Dosing: 1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician...
MYCO:SSR by DesBio
Deseret Biologicals recommends two Series Kits for the Basic Series Protocol. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different...
OmniMeal by DesBio
OmniMeal is the perfect combination of nutrients and great taste, providing the ideal supplement for busy individuals who value high...
Caffeic Acid by DesBio
Dosing: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult...
Series Homochords are 1 oz formulas which contain all of the homeopathic dilutions found in the Series Kitin one bottle....
Prostate by DesBio
Dosage: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 2 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult...
Acetylcholine Chloride by DesBio
Dosing: 1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult a physician...
EndoPara Clear Kit by DesBio
Ver: A homeopathic formula designed to temporarily relieve symptoms caused by common parasite infections including tape worms, round worms, amoebas,...
Bio Cytotox Phase by DesBio
Dosing: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 2 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult...
VAXR:HC by DesBio
Dosing: 1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician...
Liposomal DHEA by Deseret Biologicals
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is an androgen (male sex hormone). DHEA is two steps down from pregnenolone in the steroid synthesis pathway....
Liposomal CoQ10 by Deseret Biologicals
As a primary coenzyme in the body’s energy production pathway, coenzyme Q10 is essential for mitochondrial production of ATP. Endogenous...