
Bridging the gap between what science knows and healthcare offers with physician-formulated, clinically-backed formulas.

Aging is inevitable—but InfiniWell empowers you to choose how you do it. With intentional combinations from their 93-ingredient library in every bottle, this brand isn’t just pushing the boundaries of longevity. They’re breaking the box wide open.

Formulated alongside their panel of top physicians, InfiniWell’s products are recommended by over 25,000 healthcare professionals worldwide for anti-aging, metabolic health, skin + hair integrity, energy + hormone balance, gastrointestinal support, immunity, joint + muscle function, improved sleep, better cognitive function, and mood regulation. 

Defend Pro by InfiniWell
Supports Healthy Calcium Deposition in Bones & Teeth Promotes Broad Immune System Activation Supports Healthy Levels of Oxidation within Blood...
DHH-B by InfiniWell
Promotes an Overall Sense of Calm Helps Promote Relaxation & Reduced Nervousness Maintains Healthy Neurotransmitter Release (Specifically, GABA) Promotes Both...
DHH-B Max by InfiniWell
Promotes an Overall Sense of Calm Helps Promote Relaxation & Reduced Nervousness Maintains Healthy Neurotransmitter Release (Specifically, GABA) Promotes Both...
DIM by InfiniWell
Supports Healthy Estrogen Metabolism Promotes Leaner Body Composition Aids Liver Detoxification Supports Antioxidant Capacity Active Ingredients: DIM (Diindolylmethane) Other Ingredients:...
DNA Prime by InfiniWell
Supports telomere length and telomerase activity Supports DNA repair and cellular renewal Promotes mitochondrial function Aids in the mitigation of...
Duo by InfiniWell
Supports Follicular Proliferation & Differentiation Promotes Growth Factors Involved in Hair Growth & Maintenance Aids the Nourishment & Health of...
Enhance by InfiniWell
Promotes Longevity, Cellular Renewal & Autophagy Supports Heart Health & Mitochondrial Free Radicals Assists Cellular Detox & Optimizes Nrf2 Pathways...
Epicatechin by InfiniWell
Strength Gains Stamina & Endurance Nitric Oxide Support Antioxidant & Metabolic Support Muscle Protein Synthesis & Muscle Recovery Epicatechin's effects...
Focus by InfiniWell
Optimized Neurological Processing and Function Sustained Mental Acuity and Recall Short & Long Term Brain / Working Memory Support Blue...
Foundational ExactPax by InfiniWell
Supports Immune Function & Immune Cell Activation Supports Strong Bones, Calcium Absorption & Metabolism Supports Cardiovascular Function Supports Neurological Function...
GHK-CU by InfiniWell
Aids Reduced Muscle Activity Leading to Wrinkles & Fine Lines Supports Healthy Levels of Elastin, Proteoglycans, & Glycosaminoglycans Promotes Healthy...
GI Prime by InfiniWell
Supports a Healthy Gut Microbiota Strengthens Immune System Aids in Optimizing Gut Barrier Integrity Modulates Immune Response in the Gut...
GlyNac by InfiniWell
Supports Antioxidant Capacity Supports Glutathione Synthesis Promotes Mitochondrial Function Aids in Nutrient Sensing Active Ingredients: Glycine, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Other Ingredients:...
HRT Support ExactPax by InfiniWell
Supports Sex Hormone Metabolism Through Phase 1 Detoxification Supports Immune Function & Immune Cell Activation Supports Strong Bones, Calcium Absorption...
IgNight by InfiniWell
Increases Restorative Sleep Supports High Quality Sleep Encourages Calorie Burn Promotes Leaner Body Composition Active Ingredients: Sleeproot Valerian - Valeriana officialis,...
Immune Shield ExactPax by InfiniWell
Supports Immune Function & Immune Cell Activation Modulates Immune Response in the Gut via Activation of pDC's Aids in Optimizing...